Had seen you on itch and its no less amazing here ;)
Had seen you on itch and its no less amazing here ;)
There are some cool concepts in here, but the combat controls feel borderline broken.
the upgrade loop has great draw already though.
Do you mean the stick? It should be better now
Well done!
Holy crap, I didnt think you could make tetris anymore addicting, but i had to break myself away from the screen with a crowbar. very. nice.
Now that's something different for once :)
Great concept! Love me some eductional biology lessons.
Mechanics are fun, but kinda intransparent.
Having to read the entire pamphlet is a bit disproportionate to the scope of it all.
Some tutorialisation could strecht out content a lot.
Some stuff feels kinda bugged, when suff just doesnt respond or enemies pile up at screen borders. There's certainly an issue with window focus and controls becoming unresponsive after toggling menu screen.
Still, love it, keep it up!
Loving the visuals! Also appreciate the moderate pacing, nice short levels, making for those little moments of accomplishment.
Nitpicking, just because: the jump feels a tad too snappy for my liking, like I'm missing a frame or two, feeling less smooth than the rest of the experience.
Would agree with the sentiment that my power drains a tad too quickly, difficulty kinda spikes after the first few levels. Couple great puzzles after that though!
Amazing game!
we updated the power drain to be more forgiving now
Hell, this is smooth :) Love the feel and animation of character controls. Not super fond of the smooth day/night transistions, very hard to use in context of jumps. Just doesnt seem a good fit with the tight timings required.
EIther way, pretty neat!
Great visuals! Back- and foreground don't always seperate too well and I wished the hit feedback on both player and enemy were a bit more impactful, but overall feels very polished. I appear to suck at it though ...
The concept is really cool and the improvement loop is already really capivating!
However, I'm finding the mouse rest position exploitable, feeling borderline glitchy and the menu structure is opaque and hard to navigate.
Nevertheless, lots of potential, hope you keep polishing this up!
Age 25
Joined on 10/1/19